Like every other child on the Upper Decks, Col Porpentine was taught that the Filthies are dumb, subhuman creatures-good only for toiling Below and keeping the juggernaut Worldshaker moving. But when he meets a Filthy, she's not at all what he expected, and he begins to question everything else he's ever known as true.
Summary Sixteen-year-old Col Porpentine is being groomed as the next Commander of <i>Worldshaker</i>, a juggernaut where elite families live on the upper decks while the Filthies toil below, but when he meets Riff, a Filthy girl on the run, he discovers how ignorant he is of his home and its residents.
Topics Class divisions. Discrimination. Alternate histories. Political power. Family rivalry. Injustice.
Lexile 640L
Trim Size 5 1/2" x 8 1/4"
JLG Span Spring
Language English
Publication date 2010-05-17
JLG Release Date Aug 2010
Minimum grade 9
Maximum grade 12
Reading level High
Format Print
Young Adult (Grades 9 & Up)
Young Adult
Young Adult (Grades 9 & Up)
For Grades 9 & Up
Your older teen readers will appreciate the 12 selections in this category, a diverse mix of fiction and nonfiction covering complex issues and more mature content, from crushes and body changes to friendships and sibling rivalry.