Book Grants
A wide variety of grants are available at national, state, and local levels to bolster the development of collections like yours. Get more ‘wish list’ books onto your shelves and make your budget go further with these grant and funding options for libraries.
Here at JLG we are committed to getting the best new books into the hands of young readers and students. We are strong advocates for quality literature and understand the difference it can make in a child’s life. Every library has the power to positively impact its readers—no matter the resources available—and that is why we’ve created the JLG Access and Enrichment Grant: to support the unique collection development needs of your library.
The Dollar General Youth Literacy Grants
Provides funding to schools, public libraries, and nonprofit organizations; helps with the implementation or expansion of literacy programs for students, who are below grade level, or experiencing difficulty reading.
Laura Bush School Library Grant
In order to promote a love of reading, the goal of the Laura Bush Foundation (LBF) provides books to the school libraries and students that most need them.
The Snapdragon Book Foundation provides funds to improve school libraries for disadvantaged children. Grants are awarded to public, private, and experimental schools.
Illinois State Library School District Library Grant Program
The School District Library Grant Program is designed to help provide more library books and materials for the students of public schools in Illinois. The state legislature has authorized up to a $.75 per pupil expenditure for qualifying schools.
Collection Enhancement Grants support libraries in replacing worn books and adding new books to the collection. They serve to upgrade or increase book collections, e-books, books on CD, and special collections in support of community needs.
Colorado State Grants to Libraries
Funds are available to eligible publically funded school, public, and academic libraries to provide grants for educational materials in libraries that support efforts to improve literacy and learning.
Institute of Museum and Library Servies
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants are provided by the State Library to assist libraries and library-related agencies develop programs and projects that enhance library services.
Dollar General Summer Reading Grants
Summer Reading Grants provide funding to local nonprofit organizations and libraries to help with the implementation or expansion of summer reading programs. Programs must target Pre-K through 12th grade students who are new readers, below grade level readers, or readers with learning disabilities.
Dollar General Beyond Words Disaster Relief Fund Grant For School Libraries
Dollar General, in collaboration with the American Library Association (ALA), the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), and the National Education Association (NEA), is sponsoring a school library disaster relief fund for public school libraries in the states served by Dollar General. The fund will provide grants to public schools whose school library program has been affected by a disaster.
The Raskob Foundation is an independent, private Catholic family foundation. Grants and loans are made worldwide for projects and programs associated with the Catholic Church. The Foundation has no official funding priorities. However, the Raskob Foundation takes particular interest in projects in which self-help and local support are demonstrated. Applications to the Foundation are considered on their merits. Need, timeliness, and the good to be accomplished are prime considerations.
AASL Collaborative School Library Award
The Collaborative School Library Award recognizes and encourages collaboration and partnerships between school librarians and teachers in meeting goals outlined in Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs through joint planning of a program, unit or event in support of the curriculum and using school library resources.
Grants to State Library Administrative Agencies
The Grants to States Program is the largest grant program run by IMLS; it provides funds to State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) using a population-based formula. SLAAs may use federal funds to support statewide initiatives and services; they also may distribute the funds through subgrant competitions or cooperative agreements to public, academic, research, school, and special libraries in their state.
This program helps LEAs improve reading achievement by providing students with increased access to up-to-date school library materials; well-equipped, technologically advanced school library media centers; and professionally certified school library media specialists.
Native American Library Services
The goal of the Native American Library Services Basic Grants Program is to support existing library operations and maintain core library services.