Where Is Poppy?

By Caroline Kusin Pritchard
Illustrators Illustrated by Dana Wulfekotte Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Simon & Schuster Imprint Simon & Schuster BFYR ISBN


Where Is Poppy?

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In this heartwarming Passover story, a young Jewish child learns to work through grief with the help of family, memory, and tradition.

It’s Passover time and everything seems the same, but there’s one major problem. Poppy is gone. And it’s just not Passover without Poppy. Mama says he’s still here, and Aunty says to keep looking, but where? This young child searches and searches but can’t find Poppy anywhere.

All of Poppy’s favorite people are here though, and so are the special traditions he taught them. Suddenly she starts to realize that maybe, just maybe, Poppy is here, too…and always will be.

"About Poppy." "Poppy's Passover Traditions." Full-color illustrations were rendered in pencil, gouache, and charcoal and finished digitally.
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