When the Wall Came Down: The Berlin Wall and the Fall of Soviet Communism: A New York Times Book

By Serge Schmemann
Publisher Kingfisher Imprint Kingfisher ISBN


When the Wall Came Down: The Berlin Wall and the Fall of Soviet Communism: A New York Times Book

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West Berlin, November 9, 1989-New York Times correspondent Serge Schmemann was writing in his hotel room when Viktor, his assistant from East Berlin, knocked on his door. At first Schmemann was annoyed at the interruption. Then it struck him: Viktor, an East German, wasn't allowed in the West. "What on earth are you doing here?" the astonished journalist asked. "The wall is down!" Viktor replied. This firsthand account of the demise of the Eastern bloc includes archival Times articles and full-color photographs. Time line. Source notes. Further reading. Index.
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