What Would Happen if You Never Got Vaccines?

Series What Would Happen If. By Thomas Kingsley Troupe
Illustrators Illustrated by Anna Mongay Edition

Library edition

Publisher Amicus Imprint Amicus ISBN


What Would Happen if You Never Got Vaccines?

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I'M NOT GETTING SHOTS! What would happen if you took it to the extreme and never got vaccines? This humorous, fact-based cautionary tale shows the effects of not getting vaccinated against infectious diseases. For kids who want to know the why of everything, author Thomas Kingsley Troupe takes readers down an imaginative, subtly instructive path of what ifs. If you never get vaccines, you're susceptible to diseases such as chicken pox, influenza, COVID-19, or worse. All this leads to the conclusion that getting your vaccines is good after all. Expressive illustrations bring these narrative nonfiction stories to life. Fun facts, tips for handling shots like a pro, a glossary, and further resources enhance learning.
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