What to Do When Your Parent Is Out of Work

Series Let’s Work It Out: Set 3 By Rachel Lynette
Publisher Rosen Publishing Imprint Rosen ISBN


What to Do When Your Parent Is Out of Work

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In a calm, straightforward tone, Lynette addresses the many reasons for, and repercussions of, this all-too-common situation. She clarifies many things that children may be afraid to ask or may not have thought of, such as why a parent is stressed or angry; how they can find a new job, where unemployment payments come from and how a parent can apply for such funds, and what can be done when that benefit runs out. Most importantly, the book emphasizes what readers can do to help, explaining that, for example, Mom may need quiet time to read want ads, and that it might be necessary to give up some things. Large, well-captioned color photographs cover one page of each spread and mix images of worried adults with those of diverse families enjoying their extra free time.
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