J. Robert Oppenheimer was a brilliant scientist, a champion of liberal causes, and a complex and often contradictory character. He loyally protected his Communist friends, only to later betray them under questioning. He repeatedly lied about love affairs. And he defended the use of the atomic bomb he helped create, before ultimately lobbying against nuclear proliferation. Through narratives that cross time and space, a set of characters bears witness to the life of Oppenheimer, from a secret service agent who tailed him in San Francisco, to the young lover of a colleague in Los Alamos, to a woman fleeing McCarthyism who knew him on St. John. As these men and women fall into the orbit of a brilliant but mercurial mind at work, all consider his complicated legacy while also uncovering deep and often unsettling truths about their own lives.
Topics J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–1967). Twentieth-century US history. Manhattan Project. Theoretical physics. Counter-espionage.
Trim Size 8 1/4" x 5 1/2"
JLG Span Fall
Language English
Rights type Print
Publication date 2018-10-15
JLG Release Date Feb 2019
Minimum grade 11
Maximum grade 12
Reading level High
Format Print
Adult Crossover High Plus (Grades 11 & Up)
Adult Crossover High Plus
Adult Crossover High Plus (Grades 11 & Up)
For Grades 11 & Up For the more advanced high school reader who is ready for adult reading, our ACH+ Category is a great choice. With more sophisticated and challenging themes, the 14 books in ACH+ open up new worlds for teen readers. Take note: These selections often contain mature situations and language that could be considered controversial.
Crime: Drug Trafficking/Dealing,Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco: Drug Use/Abuse,Language: Strong Language,Sexual Content: Strong Sexual Content/Themes,Violence: Sexual Assault/Rape
Discrimination: Racial Insensitivity/Racism,Language: Mild Language,Sexual Content: Mild Sexual Content/Themes,Social Issue: Slavery in Historical Context,Violence: General