The Woman in the Moon: How Margaret Hamilton Helped Fly the First Astronauts to the Moon

By Richard Maurer

Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint Roaring Brook ISBN


The Woman in the Moon: How Margaret Hamilton Helped Fly the First Astronauts to the Moon

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Discrimination: Sexism,Illustrations/Images: Nudity/Partial Nudity,Language: Infrequent Use,Language: Mild Language

A stunning and intimate biography of Margaret Hamilton, the computer engineer who helped Apollo 11 and mankind get from Earth to the moon.

In 1969, mankind successfully left our atmosphere and landed on the moon. It took the hard work of countless men and women to make that landing happen. One of those people was Margaret Hamilton.

A computer engineer, young Hamilton was hired to develop the completely new software used in the groundbreaking Apollo Space Program. Soon she was the lead engineer, one of the few women in the almost entirely male-dominated profession. It wasn't always easy.

In The Woman in the Moon, science writer and journalist Richard Maurer dives deep into the backstory of this extraordinary woman. With firsthand interviews and access to primary sources, this striking biography perfectly captures the exciting atmosphere of the space race and the inspiring figure of Margaret Hamilton.

Margaret Hamilton time line. Notes. References. Index. Black-and-white


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