"What is the Smekday holiday? How has it changed in the year since the aliens left? You may use your own personal experiences from the alien invasion to make your points." Gratuity "Tip" Tucciisn't sure where to begin her essay about Smekday. Should she start with her mother's alien abduction? Or maybe with the Boov taking over Earth-er, Smekland. Well, as long as she gets in all the details about driving her hover-car cross-country and her cat saving the human race, it probably doesn't matter how she begins.
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Summary Gratuity has a school assignment to write about “The True Meaning of Smekday”—the day the Boov, led by the “glorious” Captain Smek, invaded Earth and took over. The winning essay will be placed in a National Time Capsule to be opened in a hundred years. It’s difficult to know where to start—should she begin with the flashing mole that mysteriously appeared on her mother’s neck? Or the Christmas Eve when her mother was sucked into a Boov spaceship? Or with “Moving Day,” when all humans were forced to relocate to Florida by rocketpod? Incorporating “photos” from her antique Polaroid camera, Gratuity relates an amazing adventure that takes her on a cross-country journey in search of her mother, brings her into contact with a not-very-frightening Boov named J.Lo, and lands her with the responsibility of saving the world from yet another alien invasion with the help of new friends.
Topics Creative writing. Story-telling. Photographs. Self-expression. Identity/self-perception. Aliens. Conquered nations. Prejudice. Colonialism. Social commentary. Cultural perceptions. Social values. Change. Cats. Mothers and daughters. Independence. Responsibility. Loneliness. Missing a loved one. Friendship. Appearances. Communication. Cultures. The authorities. Thinking. Rebuilding society. Courage. Survival. Perseverance. Resourcefulness. Problem solving. Creative thinking. Teamwork. Relying on friends. Families. Hope. New beginnings.
SRC Level 4.400000
SRC Points 22.000000
Lexile 670L
Trim Size 5 1/2" x 8 1/4"
Language English
JLG Release Date Jan 2008
Minimum grade 5
Maximum grade 8
Reading level Middle
Format Print
Mystery Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)
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