With their mother dead and their father entombed by evil Egyptian demons, Carter and Sadie Kane should be busy grieving. But there's no time for that: their uncle has whisked them away to his enchanted apartment and informed the kids that they are the most powerful living descendants of the pharaohs. So it's up to Carter and Sadie to save the world from terrible Egyptian magic that's about to be unleashed. If only they knew some magic of their own. . . .
Title alpha The Red Pyramid: The Kane Chronicles, Book One
Level Mystery/Adventure Elementary Plus
Pages Count 288
Genre Fiction
Summary Descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs, siblings Carter and Sadie Kane must use their new-found superpowers to fight Egyptian demons and ward off the end of the world.
Spine-tingling tales of suspense and adventure compose this 14 book category-filled with both fiction and nonfiction titles. Elementary readers who thrive on a thrill will really spark to these selections.