The Painter and the President: Gilbert Stuart's Brush with George Washington

By Sarah Albee
Illustrators Illustrated by Stacy Innerst Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Astra House Publishing Imprint Calkins Creek ISBN


The Painter and the President: Gilbert Stuart's Brush with George Washington

George Washington hated having his portrait painted, but as president of the United States, he knew his image needed to live on. This nonfiction picture book explores how artist Gilbert Stuart created Washington’s most lasting and recognized portrait—the one that’s used on the one-dollar bill.

George Washington and artist Gilbert Stuart didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but both men knew the importance of legacy and the power of art. Though George disliked having his portrait painted—which took days and days to complete—he knew his place in history would require people to know his face. Fortunately, Gilbert Stuart’s unique way of painting didn’t compel his subjects to sit for hours on end—in fact, he encouraged them to move around and even bring friends to chat with. Capturing the soul of each subject, his portraits were unlike any other artists’. And Gilbert Stuart’s one-of-a-kind portrait of Washington stands the test of time—it’s the one that’s used on the one-dollar bill.
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