The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby: A Novel

By Ellery Lloyd

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint Harper (Adult) ISBN


The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby: A Novel


Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco: Drug Use/Abuse,Language: Strong Language,Violence: Abuse Reference/Discussion,Violence: Cruelty to Animals,Violence: Death

From the author of the New York Times bestseller and Reese’s Book Club pick The Club—a dark mystery surrounding a legendary painting which holds the key to three suspicious deaths in a cursed family over the course of a century.

Some women won't be painted out of history . . .

Everybody knows that in 1938, runaway heiress artist Juliette Willoughby perished in an accidental studio fire in Paris, alongside her masterpiece Self Portrait As Sphinx.

Fifty years later, two Cambridge art history students are confounded when they stumble across proof that the fire was no accident but something more sinister. What they uncover threatens the very foundation of Juliette’s aristocratic family and revives rumors of the infamous curse that has haunted the Willoughbys for generations.

But what does their discovery mean? And how is it connected to a brutal murder in present-day Dubai?

A tale of love and madness, obsession and revenge, The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby unravels the riddle posed by a Sphinx who refuses to reveal her secrets . . .

Author's note.
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