In mythologies from around the world, the Trickster figure plays many roles at once: joker, thief, prophet, and troublemaker. These twenty-six original stories by contemporary authors show some tricksters who help the innocent and others who make sure the guilty get their comeuppance; tricksters who disrupt peoples' everyday lives and those who open doors to entirely new experiences. Features stories by Christopher Barzak, Kelly Link, and Holly Black. Includes an author's note after each story and suggestions for further reading.
Summary Twenty-two short stories and four poems tell all new tales of age-old tricksters such as Coyote, Hermes, Fox, Anansi, Raven, and the devil himself.
Your older teen readers will appreciate the 12 selections in this category, a diverse mix of fiction and nonfiction covering complex issues and more mature content, from crushes and body changes to friendships and sibling rivalry.