The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen: M. T. Anderson’s Thrilling Tales

Series Pals in Peril By M. T. Anderson
Illustrators Illustrated by Kurt Cyrus Publisher Harcourt Imprint Harcourt ISBN


The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen: M. T. Anderson’s Thrilling Tales

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Our heroes Lily Gefelty, Katie Mulligan, and Jasper Dash, Boy Technonaut, have taken a vacation jaunt to the Moose Tongue Lodge and Resort, where they rub elbows with the Manley Boys, the Cutesy Dell Twins, and other stars of series fiction. There, they discover a mystery brewing: the Hooper Quintuplets have been . . . kidnapped! Not only that, the priceless Mandrake Necklace has been . . . stolen! Gadzooks! Now 12% longer with bonus appendices, a complaint form, stationery, and an advertisement!
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Upper Elementary & Middle (Grades 5-7)

Upper Elementary & Middle

Upper Elementary & Middle (Grades 5-7)

For Grades 5-7

The perfect literary mix for your middle-grade readers. Featuring subject matter a bit more complex and multi-dimensional, this category is packed with captivating novels and fascinating nonfiction. Expect the 12 books offered in tis category to fly off the shelf.

12 books per Year
$236.64 per Year

Chapter Books/Novels, Fiction, Reluctant Readers, Transitional Readers, Realistic Fiction

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