Take a truck driver turned into a raisin, a flying cow, and mutant cuckoo clocks that eat bunnies, and what do you have? Just a smattering of the unusual things occurring all over Switzerland. Now thirteen-year-old Sheldon McGlone, his stepbrother Theo "The Brain" Brain, and Sheldon's new crush, Swiss beauty Helga Poom, must try to quell the craziness and restore Helga's father-the truck-driver-turned-raisin-back to normal.
Summary Having moved to Switzerland, thirteen-year-old Sheldon and his new stepbrother, Theo (“The Brain”) Brain, investigate a mystery involving particle physics, Swiss cheese, a missing truck driver, and a carnivorous cuckoo clock.
Topics Switzerland. The Alps. SWAT teams. Crushes. Missing persons. Particle physics. Tunnels. Transmogrification. Mutants. Doppelgangers. Other worlds. Computers. Humor.
Lexile HL790L
Trim Size 5 1/4" x 8"
JLG Span Spring
Language English
Publication date 2010-02-28
JLG Release Date Jun 2010
Minimum grade 6
Maximum grade 8
Reading level Middle
Format Print
Advanced Readers Plus (Grades 6-8)
Advanced Readers Plus
Advanced Readers Plus (Grades 6-8)
For Grades 6-8
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