Sunrise Summer

By Matthew Swanson
Illustrators Illustrated by Robbi Behr Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint Imprint ISBN


Sunrise Summer

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It’s summer, so a young girl and her family are heading on their annual trip to Alaska where she usually plays with her younger brothers, jumping on the bluff and searching for critters on the shore. But this year, she joins her mother’s salmon-fishing crew. Being a part of the crew is a big responsibility, and though the girl may fall down, she is now part of a team that helps her get back up.

This unique picture book explores the small but momentous first step toward independence, empowering readers to take on new challenges and gain confidence along the way. The story is inspired by the author and illustrator’s annual salmon-fishing trip to Alaska.

Illustrator’s note, with photographs. Full-color illustrations; the characters were drawn by hand with pen and ink and gouache. The backgrounds were collaged digitally. 

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