"Denmark, Tennessee, stank. Bad. Like dead fish fricasseed in sewer water." Horatio Wilkes is visiting his friend Hamilton Prince in Denmark, but the sulfurous air created by the Elsinore Paper Plant isn't the only thing that smells fishy. Hamilton's father is dead, and Hamilton's mother just married Hamilton's uncle. Horatio detects murder, but the killer is harder to determine when there are several possible suspects and motives. Can Horatio figure out whodunit before anyone else falls prey to rotten deeds?
Title alpha Something Rotten: A Horatio Wilkes Mystery
Level Young Adult Plus
Pages Count 208
Summary Hamilton suspects that Claude has poisoned his father, Rex Prince, and married his mother. Hamilton asks Horatio to help him discover the truth about his father’s death. Horatio uncovers the secret of Rex’s death by means of a play—but knowing the cause of death and proving a murder are quite different things. Meantime, Horatio must keep Olivia from committing suicide using river water and rescue Hamilton from being delivered to his death by Roscoe Grant and Gilbert Stern. Yes, Denmark, Tennessee is quite a lively little hamlet.
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