Our tag feature keeps you in the know
Receive a notification if books in your upcoming shipment contain any self-selected sensitive content you’d like on your radar. You can set tags to notify you if any of the following content areas appear in your upcoming selections, giving you time to review, swap or keep the titles before your box is packed. Questions? Contact us at 800.491.0174.
To set custom tags on your account...
- After logging in, click Manage Libraries from the teal box in the top right corner.
- Click View Library Details and scroll down to the Product Preferences section.
- Begin typing the heading you’d like, then select the appropriate subheadings.
- Be sure to click Save All Changes.
- Against Children
- Drug Trafficking/Dealing
- Gang/Organized Crime
- General
- Hate Crimes
- Human Trafficking
- Punishment/Execution
- Stalking
- Theft
- Ableism
- Disability
- Gender Identity
- General
- Neurodivergence
- Racial Insensitivity/Racism
- Reference/Discussion
- Religious
- Sexism
- Sexuality
- Xenophobia
- Alcohol Abuse
- Drug Use/Abuse
- Marijuana Use
- Reference or Discussion
- Underage Use
- Blood/Gore
- Disturbing Imagery
- Nudity/Partial Nudity
- Crude Humor
- Grotesque/Disturbing Imagery
- Homophobic Slur
- Infrequent Use
- Mild Language
- Moderate Language
- Racial or Ethnic Epithet/Slur
- Strong Language
- Animal Anatomy/Reproduction
- Eating Disorder
- Graphic Descriptions
- Reproductive/Sexual Reference/Discussion
Sexual Content
- Contact Between Adult and Minor
- Mild Sexual Content/Themes
- Reference/Discussion
- Sexual Harassment
- Strong Sexual Content/Themes
Social Issue
- Abortion
- Body or Weight Shaming
- Cult/Occult
- Harsh Realities of Life
- Political Viewpoint/Satire
- Religious Viewpoint/Satire
- Slavery in Historical Context
- Abuse Reference/Discussion
- Child Abuse
- Cruelty to Animals
- Death
- Domestic/Physical Abuse
- General
- Genocide
- Graphic Descriptions
- Gun Violence
- Mild Violence
- Self-Harm
- Self-Harm Reference/Discussion
- Sexual Assault/Rape
- Sexual Assault/Rape Reference/Discussion
- Strong Violence
- Suicide
- Suicide Reference/Discussion
- Torture
- War/Harsh Realities of War
Need help choosing the best categories for your library?
Contact your account rep or call us at 800.491.0174 for personalized guidance.