Second Strike

Series Power Button Written and illustrated by Zack Soto

Library edition

Publisher Lerner Imprint Graphic Universe ISBN


Second Strike

Mismatched cousins Kaz and Truly barely survived their first alien invasion.

When the villainous Horde Empire returns, the space conquerors look twice as dangerous. This time, Maximo Skulldigg and the rest of the Horde have a tool to sideline the kids' mysterious protector, cosmic knight Trinn Cyclo. To make matters worse, the Horde kidnaps Kaz's parents

If Kaz and Truly hope to rescue the grown-ups, they'll need all the luck they can get. They'll even need Kaz's catlike, UFO-obsessed uncle, Lucky...
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Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

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