IllustratorsIllustrated by Rich TommasoPublisherHyperionImprintHyperionISBN
Awards and HonorsBook Sense Children’s Picks – Winter 2007/2008 | Booklist Top 10 Black History for Youth | Booklist Top 10 Graphic Novels for Youth | VOYA Nonfiction Honor List, 2007
Emmet Wilson loves playing in the Negro Leagues. He makes good money and doesn't have to work for a white man. Then a slide into home-scoring a run off the great pitcher Satchel Paige-blows out his knee. Now stuck working as a sharecropper, Emmet longs for the day when blacks and whites will be treated equally, for the day when his son can attend school instead of working the fields. Throughout Emmet's hard life, Satchel Paige, with his indomitable spirit, provides hope and inspiration. Three-color artwork.
Summary Satchel Paige’s success and showmanship are set in contrast to the life of Emmet Wilson, a black sharecropper who, as a young ballplayer, once doubled and scored off Paige. Living on the Jennings land in Tuckwilla, Alabama after an injury has cut short his baseball career, Wilson must “humble down” to the bigots of the Jim Crow South. But when an older Satchel Paige, barnstorming with his team, comes to Tuckwilla to play against the local white team run by the Jennings brothers, it makes Emmet reexamine his world. Hearing the fans—both black and white—cheer for a proud black ballplayer who has stared down bigotry gives Emmet hope that the future will be brighter for himself and for his son.
Book-length narratives presented in comic book style, graphic novels foster both visual and verbal comprehension skills while exposing readers to interesting dialogue and satire, as well as affirming diversity. JLG's selection of these unique books, some of them only published in softcover, are ideal for attracting reluctant readers and introducing them to literature they might not encounter otherwise. You may find that the 14 books in this category will turn your reluctant readers into eager readers.