Rolling On

Series Roll with It By Jamie Sumner

Hardcover edition

Publisher Simon & Schuster Imprint Atheneum ISBN


Rolling On

In this heartfelt companion to Jamie Sumner’s acclaimed and beloved novels Roll with It and Time to Roll, Ellie finds herself faced with first love and learning to let go.

It’s the very end of eighth grade and all everyone can talk about is high school—everyone except Ellie Cowan. Ellie wants to freeze time. Middle school was epic. She moved to Oklahoma, made her best friends, won a baking championship, quit a beauty pageant, and dominated Putt-Putt golf in her wheelchair.

But now her feelings for her best friend Bert are starting to change. When did Bert get so cute? And why are all the other girls suddenly noticing, too? As if that isn’t enough to deal with, Grandpa’s health takes a turn for the worse. So what do you do when you don’t know how to hold on and when to let go?
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PG Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)

PG Middle Plus

PG Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)

For Grades 5-8

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14 books per Year
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Chapter Books/Novels, Diversity, Fiction, Funny/Humorous, Reluctant Readers

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