During a prolonged winter, Jorgen, the wise man, has sent clansmen-including Asa's father, the chieftain-to sea in search of food. Asa believes that Jorgen is treacherous and that he likely led her father to his death. Fleeing for safety, Asa meets Wenda, a one-eyed witch who promises to help Asa save her clan. Asa is loath to trust Wenda, but with Jorgen threatening her family, she may have no choice.
Summary In 854, the bold fourteen-year-old daughter of a Viking chieftain, aided by her old and thin but equally intrepid horse and an ancient, one-eyed seer, must find a way to keep her clan together and save them from starvation.
Your older teen readers will appreciate the 12 selections in this category, a diverse mix of fiction and nonfiction covering complex issues and more mature content, from crushes and body changes to friendships and sibling rivalry.