Piece = Part = Portion: Fractions = Decimals = Percents / Pedazo = parte = porción: Fracciones = decimales = porcentajes

By Scott Gifford
Illustrators Photographs by Shmuel Thaler Translators Translated by Aurora Hernandez Publisher Tricycle Imprint Tricycle ISBN


Piece = Part = Portion: Fractions = Decimals = Percents / Pedazo = parte = porción: Fracciones = decimales = porcentajes

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"Fractions, Decimals, Percents. Each of these words describes the same thing-a part of something-by a different name. / Fracciones, Decimales, Porcentajes. Estas tres palabras describen lo mismo, una parte de algo, con un nombre diferente." Using photographs of familiar objects such as pizza slices, a stop light, and sneakers, this book illustrates how fractions, decimals, and percentages can look different but still mean the same thing. For instance, 1/6 de un paquete de seis refrescos is also .166 and 16.6% of a six-pack of soda. Bilingual text. Full-color photographs.
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