As captain of the track team and a decent student who's never been in trouble, Michael Kerrigan is "almost too good to be true." He wants to go on to college and be an inspiration for his aging factory town, but his bright future is threatened when the police find marijuana in his locker. When an ex-boxer tells him all it took was "one good punch" to take him out of competition, Michael wonders if his dreams are about to be knocked out for good. Library edition with trade jacket added.
Summary Mike is a high school senior and a part-time editor’s assistant at the local newspaper, working the obituary desk. He is looking forward to the spring track season and his chance at medaling in the state championships. Shelly is looking forward to starting college and leaving Scranton for good, but she wants to explore a more physical relationship with Mike first. But Mike’s future changes when a school drug sweep turns up the dope Joey has stashed in Mike’s locker and Mike must sort out his allegiance to his friend, to himself, and to the truth.
Your older teen readers will appreciate the 12 selections in this category, a diverse mix of fiction and nonfiction covering complex issues and more mature content, from crushes and body changes to friendships and sibling rivalry.