Title alpha More Deadly Than War: The Hidden History of the Spanish Flu and the First World War
Level Nonfiction Middle Plus
Pages Count 304
Genre Nonfiction
SRC Level 11.600000
SRC Points 10.000000
Lexile 1170L
Trim Size 9" x 6"
JLG Span Spring
Language English
Publication date 2018-05-14
JLG Release Date Aug 2018
Minimum grade 5
Maximum grade 8
Reading level Middle
Format Print
Nonfiction Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)
Nonfiction Middle Plus
Nonfiction Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)
For Grades 5-8 You'll love our NM+ Category which offers 14 more intriguing nonfiction selections for middle school readers. Readers with a thirst for factual knowledge will look forward to these books arriving each month.