When Dr. Frankenstein is saved by a ship near the North Pole, he seems delusional-he insists he's trailing a monster that must be destroyed. Frankenstein tells the sailors an unbelievable tale: he claims to have constructed a creature and brought it to life, only to have the creature demand that he build it a bride. When the doctor refused, the monster vowed revenge and began to destroy those whom Frankenstein cared about most. This graphic novel retelling is a close adaptation of Mary Shelley's original. Full-color illustrations.
Summary A graphic novel treatment of Mary Shelley’s classic work. An English ship finds Victor Frankenstein in pursuit of his creature near the Arctic Circle. Victor tells the captain and crew how he created the monster and was repulsed by it; how the monster killed his brother and framed an innocent girl for the murder; how the monster tracked him down and demanded that he create a female companion for the monster; how the monster killed Elizabeth when Victor destroyed the nearly-competed female monster; and how he pursued the monster over the ice in an attempt to destroy it. In the final scene, after Victor’s death, the monster kills itself by floating to sea on an ice floe.
Book-length narratives presented in comic book style, graphic novels foster both visual and verbal comprehension skills while exposing readers to interesting dialogue and satire, as well as affirming diversity. JLG's selection of these unique books, some of them only published in softcover, are ideal for attracting reluctant readers and introducing them to literature they might not encounter otherwise. You may find that the 14 books in this category will turn your reluctant readers into eager readers.