From the very beginning little Jacques loved water- the way it felt on his hands, his face, his body." Jacques Cousteau dreamed that one day he would be able to breathe underwater. He also was fascinated by machines and by movies and cameras. As an adult, he pursued his dream, co-inventing the aqualung. He then spent most of his life filming and exploring a vast and mysterious underwater world that no one had seen before. Includes an author's note. Acrylic on linen full-color illustrations.
Summary As a young boy, Jacques Cousteau invented fantastic machines and dreamed of flying. As an adult, he designed and built the aqualung, an early version of scuba equipment, which allowed Cousteau to “fly” underwater. Continuing his childhood hobby of movie-making, Cousteau made films to bring the underwater world alive for millions of people. Later, Cousteau worked to make people aware of the harm they were doing to the world’s oceans through pollution.
Topics Water. Breathing. Flying. Creativity. Models. Making movies. Ocean wildlife. Diving. The aqualung. <i>The Calypso</i>. Pollution. Advocacy.
SRC Level 3.700000
SRC Points 2.000000
Lexile AD800L
Trim Size 10" x 9 5/8"
Language English
JLG Release Date Aug 2008
Minimum grade 1
Maximum grade 4
Reading level Elementary
Format Print
Independent Readers Plus (Grades 1-4)
Independent Readers Plus
Independent Readers Plus (Grades 1-4)
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