Linus and Etta Could Use a Win

By Caroline Huntoon

Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint Feiwel & Friends ISBN


Linus and Etta Could Use a Win

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Discrimination: Gender Identity,Language: Mild Language

A hotheaded cynic befriends the new kid—a shy trans boy—when she takes on a bet to get him elected student body president in this new middle grade contemporary novel from Caroline Huntoon, author of Skating on Mars.

After coming out as trans last year and managing the attention that came with it, Linus is more than happy to fade into the background of his new middle school.

Etta isn’t like other kids at school, and she’s proud of it. She's still reeling from a painful friendship breakup, and more than happy to burn middle-school bridges before she heads off to the local alternative high school next year.

When Etta’s over-it-all attitude sparks a challenge from her ex–best friend, Marigold, to get Linus elected student body president, Linus is thrust back into the spotlight. But what started out as a bet quickly turns into a true friendship between Linus and Etta, one that could be in jeopardy if Linus finds out the real origins of his and Etta’s connection.

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