Kingdom of Dust

By Lisa Stringfellow

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint Quill Tree ISBN


Kingdom of Dust

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In Lisa Stringfellow’s gripping new standalone middle grade Black fantasy novel, which is inspired by a West African setting, Amara has grown up with the rumors of the curse on her people’s land, from a time when the griots left and the once-fertile Kun turned to desert—but after surviving an attempted kidnapping, she learns that it is her fate to bring the griots back and save the magic of her land.

Though the land of Kun used to be lush and green, Amara has only ever known her homeland as a dry, dusty desert. When the griots vanished more than a decade ago, they took their magic with them, along with goddess Oala’s gifts of rain and plenty, leaving Kun controlled by a powerful and uncaring king. And though her foster mother, Zirachi, assures her that Kun is not under a curse, Amara can’t help but wonder if her own origin, which is shrouded in mystery, is somehow linked to the broken kingdom.

When Amara and Zirachi are attacked by the Nkume, the fearsome king’s guard, Amara must flee, leaving all that she has known behind. With nowhere to go, but knowing that she is under Oala’s protection, Amara sets off to do the impossible: find the griots and save Kun before the kingdom blows away like dust.

Author of A Comb of Wishes, Lisa Stringfellow returns with a West African–inspired fantasy about a girl who is determined to return both magic and justice to her people—and whose destiny holds more surprises than she could ever imagine.

Author's note. Glossary and pronunciation guide.
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