I Fuel: How Energy Powers Our Busy World

By Kelly Rice Schmitt
Illustrators Illustrated by Jam Dong Edition

Library edition

Publisher Lerner Imprint Millbrook Press ISBN


I Fuel: How Energy Powers Our Busy World

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A fascinating look at where oil comes from—and how alternative energy sources may fuel the future!

Wham! Whirr! Whoosh! Drillers bore into rock, and oil gushes out. Follow along from the time oil first forms to when it is drilled from the ground, sent around the world, and refined into the fuel that keeps the world going: gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, along with other petroleum products. Along the way, discover important forms of renewable energy that may power our future.

Back matter delves into more detail about the topics covered in the main text, and the book concludes with a fun seek-and-find prompt.

A fun and fact-filled look at fuel from the team that created I Ship!
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