Flying through Water


Hardcover edition

Publisher Hachette Book Group Imprint Little, Brown BFYR ISBN


Flying through Water

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Crime: Human Trafficking,Violence: Death,Violence: Domestic/Physical Abuse,Violence: General

For fans of A Long Walk to Water and Hatchet, this boy’s gripping journey from poverty to empowerment transports readers to modern-day Ghana, into the throes of an extraordinary survival story.

Sena treasures his life in rural Ghana—playing soccer, working the family farm, striving to do his best at school—but he is increasingly aware of his family's precarious security in the face of poverty. When an alluring gentleman comes to town to befriend local teenagers, offering promises of a better future, it only takes one more unsettling turn of events to send Sena into the clutches of human traffickers. Sena's ordeal, escape, and remarkable survival makes for a page-turning adventure of self-discovery and empowerment.

Map. Author's note. Selected sources.
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