Exclusion and the Chinese American Story

Series Race to the Truth By Sarah-SoonLing Blackburn

Library edition

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint Crown ISBN


Exclusion and the Chinese American Story

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Crime: Hate Crimes,Discrimination: General,Language: Racial or Ethnic Epithet/Slur,Violence: Strong Violence

Until now, you’ve only heard one side of the story, but Chinese American history extends far beyond the railroads. Here’s the true story of America, from the Chinese American perspective.

If you’ve learned about the history of Chinese people in America, it was probably about their work on the railroads in the 1800s. But more likely, you may not have learned about it at all. This may make it feel like Chinese immigration is a newer part of this country, but some scholars believe the first immigrant arrived from China 499 CE–one thousand years before Columbus did!

When immigration picked up in the mid-1800s, efforts to ban immigrants from China began swiftly. But hope, strength, and community allowed the Chinese population in America to flourish. From the gold rush and railroads to entrepreneurs, animators, and movie stars, this is the true story of the Chinese American experience.

Note to readers. Resources. Bibliography. Black-and-white maps, reproductions, and photographs. 


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