Light and darkness meet again in the fourth installment of “The Gods of the North,” a middle school level series that has, as a backdrop, mythology from the northern Basque Country and Navarre regions of Spain, and one that has sold over 35,000 copies.
Three cousins. Two worlds. One secret.
It is spring and Gaua blooms with hundreds of colors. The flowers shine more than ever, and some attribute it to the opening of the portal. All rules have changed, and Emma, despite being fifteen years old, can easily enter and leave Gaua with Ada and Teo, and also Amona! The valley is full of optimism and a promise of tranquility…but that won’t last long.
What everyone had always considered a mere legend may be more real than they could have imagined. A creature that has been contained for too long threatens to destroy everything in its path.
Will the cousins balance the forces of good and evil, or will the chaos shaped by a god thirsty for vengeance win the battle every time?
A journey in which magic will lead you to the truth.