Henry Ford had seen horse-drawn steam engines, but when in 1876, at the age of twelve, he saw one with "a chain that made a connection between the engine and the rear wheels of the wagon-like frame," he became obsessed with "'making a machine that would travel the roads' under its own power. Henry Ford would not invent the automobile, but more than any other single individual, he would make it affordable for people from all walks of life." Chronology. Quote sources. Resources. Index. Black-and-white photographs and ephemera from Ford's life.
Title alpha Driven: A Photobiography of Henry Ford
Level Biography Elementary Plus
Pages Count 64
Topics Henry Ford (1863-1947). Automobile industry and trade. Industrialists. Ford Motor Company. Model T. Mass production.
Lexile 1210L
Trim Size 9 1/8" x 10 7/8"
JLG Span Spring
Language English
Publication date 2010-05-10
JLG Release Date Jul 2010
Minimum grade 1
Maximum grade 4
Reading level Elementary
Format Print
Biography Elementary Plus (Grades 1-4)
Biography Elementary Plus
Biography Elementary Plus (Grades 1-4)
For Grades 1-4
Fascinating biographies and autobiographies will allow your elementary readers to look into the lives, thoughts, and accomplishments of the individuals who have shaped our world. And with 14 books per year, they'll discover a remarkable person each month.