Dive!: The Story of Breathing Underwater

Written and illustrated by Chris Gall

Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint Roaring Brook ISBN


Dive!: The Story of Breathing Underwater

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Award-winning artist Chris Gall's latest nonfiction picture book is a fascinating introduction to the comprehensive world history of diving.

DIVE deep into our long history of sea exploration . . .

Two-thirds of the earth is covered in ocean, yet only five percent has been explored. So what's down there?

Through learning about why, how, and when humans have dived, we'll uncover some mysteries of the oceans, and how humans have adapted and engineered to answer the question: What's down there?

Perfect for STEM-oriented minds and young and old readers fascinated by the ocean, Dive! is a must-have to add to any nonfiction shelf.
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