Cuentos que contaban nuestras abuelas: Cuentos populares Hispánicos (Tales Our Abuelitas Told: A Hispanic Folktale Collection)

By F. Isabel Campoy, Alma Flor Ada
Illustrators Illustrated by Felipe Davalós,Viví Escriví,Susan Guevara,Leyla Torres Publisher Atheneum Imprint ISBN


Cuentos que contaban nuestras abuelas: Cuentos populares Hispánicos (Tales Our Abuelitas Told: A Hispanic Folktale Collection)

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A beautiful bird lets a turkey borrow his feathers, but never gets them back; a boy goes out to find firewood for his mother, then forgets to gather it; a tiny beetle declares war on a great big cow-and wins! The dozen folktales in this book originated in the Arab, Hebrew, African, Spanish, and indigenous American traditions. Now they are part of Hispanic culture's rich heritage. Black-and-white art.
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