Continental Drifter


Hardcover edition

Publisher Macmillan Imprint First Second ISBN


Continental Drifter

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Discrimination: Racial Insensitivity/Racism,Discrimination: Xenophobia

Diary of a Wimpy Kid meets Be Prepared in this charming and relatable graphic memoir from debut author Kathy Macleod.

With a Thai mother and an American father, Kathy lives in two different worlds. She spends most of the year in Bangkok, where she’s secretly counting the days till summer vacation. That’s when her family travels for 24 hours straight to finally arrive in a tiny seaside town in Maine.

Kathy loves Maine’s idyllic beauty and all the exotic delicacies she can't get back home, like clam chowder and blueberry pie. But no matter how hard she tries, she struggles to fit in. She doesn't look like the other kids in this rural New England town. It’s even worse at summer camp: everyone keeps mixing her up with the only other Asian girl there. Kathy just wants to find a place where she truly belongs, but she's not sure if it’s in America, Thailand...or anywhere.

Afterword. Family photographs. Full-color illustrations were penciled and inked with Procreate, and colored digitally in Procreate and Photoshop.
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Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

For Grades 3-6

The 14 books in this category are kid-friendly, age-appropriate fiction and nonfiction titles featuring sequential art and text designed to attract avid and reluctant readers alike.

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