Upper Elementary & Middle PlusBooks in this collection are Accelerated Reader Quiz Ready
For Grades 5-7 A great way to ensure more titles for your middle-grade readers-with 14 additional popular B titles arriving at your door every year.
14 books per yearper year276.08
Chapter Books/Novels, Fiction, Reluctant Readers, Transitional Readers, Realistic Fiction
Upper Elementary & MiddleBooks in this collection are Accelerated Reader Quiz Ready
For Grades 5-7 The perfect literary mix for your middle-grade readers. Featuring subject matter a bit more complex and multi-dimensional, this category is packed with captivating novels and fascinating nonfiction. Expect the 12 books offered in tis category to fly off the shelf.
12 books per yearper year236.64
Chapter Books/Novels, Fiction, Reluctant Readers, Transitional Readers, Realistic Fiction
GRADES 5 - 8
Sports Middle PlusFor Grades 5-8 An action-packed level devoted exclusively to sports. These fiction and nonfiction selections are sure to be a hit with your middle-school sports fans. And the hits arrive each month with this 14 book category.
14 books per yearper year284.62
Biographies, Chapter Books/Novels, Diversity, Fiction, Nonfiction, Reluctant Readers, History, Realistic Fiction, Sports
GRADES 5 - 8
Spanish MiddleFor Grades 5-8 Engaging fiction and nonfiction Spanish-language titles.
12 books per yearper year174.24
Chapter Books/Novels, Diversity, ESL, Fiction, Nonfiction, Transitional Readers
For Grades 5-8 This 14-book category features stories with relatable characters that portray believable contemporary or historical real-life experiences.
14 books per yearper year285.46
Chapter Books/Novels, Diversity, Fiction, History, Realistic Fiction
PG Middle PlusBooks in this collection are Accelerated Reader Quiz Ready
For Grades 5-8 For middle school readers who enjoy fascinating stories but want less edgy content, PGM is the perfect choice. Be assured that the 14 books offered in this category will be inoffensive to readers, teachers and parents.
14 books per yearper year285.46
Chapter Books/Novels, Diversity, Fiction, Funny/Humorous, Reluctant Readers
GRADES 5 - 8
Nonfiction Middle PlusFor Grades 5-8 You'll love our NM+ Category which offers 14 more intriguing nonfiction selections for middle school readers. Readers with a thirst for factual knowledge will look forward to these books arriving each month.
14 books per yearper year302.4
Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction, Science/STEAM, History
GRADES 5 - 8
Nonfiction MiddleFor Grades 5-8 Knowledge is power, and no other category speaks to this more. The 12 books in this category range from autobiographies to anthropological studies, these nonfiction titles are just right for middle-school readers . . . and ideal for research and classroom support, too.
12 books per yearper year259.2
Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction, Science/STEAM, History
GRADES 5 - 8
Mystery Middle PlusFor Grades 5-8 For gripping mystery and adventure, look no further than these riveting fiction and nonfiction books. Your middle school suspense seekers simply won't be able to tear themselves away from the page. And with 14 books offered yearly, the suspense never ends.
14 books per yearper year302.4
Chapter Books/Novels, Fiction, Reluctant Readers, History, Transitional Readers, Thriller/Horror/Mystery, Realistic Fiction
GRADES 6 - 8
Instructional Nonfiction Social Studies Grades 6-8For Grades 6-8 These 12 standalone and series nonfiction titles will help middle schoolers connect with the world around them, investigate issues ranging from personal to international, and hone their critical literacy skills. Topics include civics, biography, social issues, careers, sports, media, and more.
12 books per yearper year312.24
Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction
GRADES 6 - 8
Instructional Nonfiction Science Grades 6-8For Grades 6-8 Curious middle-school readers can explore science topics including technology, environmental science, health and medicine, and more with these 12 standalone and series nonfiction books.
12 books per yearper year312.24
Nonfiction, Science/STEAM
GRADES 6 - 8
Instructional Nonfiction History Grades 6-8For Grades 6-8 Connect to the past with these 12 series and standalone nonfiction books that explore cultures, discoveries, events, and people. Perfect for encouraging middle schoolers to hone their critical thinking skills and consider the roles of primary and secondary sources.
12 books per yearper year312.24
Biographies, Diversity, Nonfiction, History