Brown Girls Do Ballet: Celebrating Diverse Girls Taking Center Stage

By TaKiyah Wallace-McMillian, JaNay Brown-Wood

Hardcover edition

Publisher Hachette Book Group Imprint Black Dog & Leventhal (Kids) ISBN


Brown Girls Do Ballet: Celebrating Diverse Girls Taking Center Stage

This stunning children’s book from the photographer behind the Instagram sensation Brown Girls Do Ballet, combines irresistible photos of young ballerinas of color with inspirational text that empowers all children to express their true selves through movement and music.

When TaKiyah Wallace-McMillian went to enroll her three-year-old daughter into her first ballet class, she immediately noticed the lack of diversity of backgrounds and abilities among the students pictured on the school's website. In response, TaKiyah, a photographer, began taking pictures of young dancers of color and launched an Instagram called Brown Girls Do Ballet. The Instagram was an instant sensation, drawing a community of dancers of all ages. A nonprofit organization, that provides resources, mentoring, and inspiration worldwide followed soon after.

Takiyah’s first children’s book is full of gorgeous photographs of irresistible young BIPOC ballerinas of all levels -- from beginners to more experienced dancers. Writer JaNay Brown-Wood's poetic text, inspired by the dancer's graceful poses and powerful leaps, encourages young readers be proud of who they are and empowers them to take center stage. Brown Girls Do Ballet will inspire all readers to pursue their dreams no matter what barriers are put in front of them.

Full-color photographs.
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