Monthly Archives: August 2022

August 30, 2022
August 31st has been named We Love Memoirs Day or National Memoirs Day, depending on the source. Memoirs are a brave and vulnerable way for authors to share their lives and experiences with readers. This day celebrates both the authors who write memoirs and the...
August 29, 2022
To make literature more accessible and convenient, eBooks and digital reading tools have been on the rise in recent years. These resources have their benefits – they are a cost-efficient way to access countless titles at your fingertips. Although digital books have their advantages, we should not overlook the benefits of a good, old-fashioned, printed book. ...
August 08, 2022
There is so much more to being a librarian than choosing new books and maintaining a library. In fact, it is no secret that more is being expected of librarians now than ever before. We asked and you answered, let’s run through the top 99 problems modern day librarians are facing today. ...
August 04, 2022
Let’s face it, growing up is hard. Kids are facing more than ever before and experiencing challenges that we could not have imagined at their age. This makes it critically important for parents, teachers, and educators to engage in difficult conversations with young people, and your library may be able to help. ...