Arletis, Abuelo y el mansaje en la botella (Arletis, Abuelo, and the Message in a Bottle)

By Lea Aschkenas
Illustrators Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright,Ying-Hwa Hu Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Star Bright Books Imprint Star Bright Books ISBN


Arletis, Abuelo y el mansaje en la botella (Arletis, Abuelo, and the Message in a Bottle)

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Once, on an alligator-shaped island in the middle of a wide sea, there lived a little girl who loved maps and dreamed of one day knowing other places . . .

In another part of the world, at the mouth of a wide bay, there lived an old man who in his youth dreamed of sailing the world and making friends in foreign lands . . .

When these two strangers connect through a message in a bottle, their communication inspires a visit that forges a lasting friendship, which expands both their worlds. Based on a true story, Arletis, Abuelo, and the Message in a Bottle is a lyrically written, lushly illustrated portrait of life in rural Cuba that will enchant children and adults alike.

Author’s note, with photographs. "Casco de toronjas" dessert recipe. Suggestions for further reading, viewing, and listening. Full-color illustrations.
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