Ant Story

Written and illustrated by Jay Hosler

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint HarperAlley ISBN


Ant Story

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Ant Story by Jay Hosler (The Way of the Hive, W21) tells the tale of a charismatic cartoon ant, born into a colony of real leafcutter ants, that examines how we seek to understand the natural world with the stories we tell one another.

Meet Rubi, a tiny cartoon ant with a big personality and an even bigger love of stories. Who knew a world so small could be full of unexpected friendships, epic adventures, and death-defying escapes? Follow Rubi on the journey of a lifetime as she uncovers the mystery and wonder of one of the world’s tiniest, mightiest insects. This is her story—an ant story!

Full-color illustrations were created with a color mechanical pencil and soft blue graphite and inked using India ink. An eraser was used for analog corrections and the eraser tool in Photoshop was used to make corrections after the pages had been digitized and resized.
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