After the Wallpaper Music

By Jean Mills

Hardcover edition

Publisher Pajama Press Imprint Pajama Press ISBN


After the Wallpaper Music

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When a battle of the bands competition is announced, Flora finds herself caught between her friends and two very different musical worlds. Does she stick to classical violin and what she knows, or risk her friendships to embrace rock and roll?

For twelve-year-old violinist Flora, growing up doesn’t always mean growing apart. But when a Battle of the Bands starts to divide Flora’s friend group, she knows that music will either separate them or bring them back together again.

Playing violin makes twelve-year-old Flora feel alive, whether she is playing with her friends in their string quartet or playing fiddle for her Auntie Flora.

When a music competition is announced, Flora wants her string quartet to play a classical song like they always do, but her friends want to play something new. Then, Simon, a talented drummer, who is struggling with a recent loss, invites Flora to join his rock trio. Pulled in several directions, Flora must decide if she is willing to risk her friendships by playing in Simon’s band.

For Flora, finding harmony with her friends, family, and music just became more difficult.

This coming of age story explores what it means to grow into yourself and risk growing apart from what you know.

Celebrated author Jean Mills utilizes her musical talents in this uplifting novel that showcases the joys of music, and the power it has to bring people together.

"Time is a Fickle Friend" composition and lyrics. Playlist. Author interview.
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